Thursday 29 October 2015

ASDA "chosen by you" Strawberry fruit and grain bar review

Just a basic review today of ASDA strawberry fruit and grain bar. I used to eat Nutri-grain bars on a regular basis and picked one up the other day and I'm sure they have changed the recipe because it was very thick and quite dry. I then decided to try these ASDA own version as an alternative and found that I preferred them. They are pretty good for a healthier mid morning snack with a nice strawberry jam centre. They were much less dry than the original Nutri-grain brand but still quite thick. Basically if you have ever had a strawberry Nutri-grain then you pretty much know what your getting with these bars but if your a fan of the original bars, then give these a try because I would definitely pick these up over the original brand.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Walkers sunbites lightly salted crispy crackers review

I love the taste of salt (I'm the type of person who actually likes to see white on top of my food) but this means when I have crisps or crackers I actually like to taste it, so I was concerned that I would find these "lightly" salted crackers boaring. However, I was pleasantly surprised and loved them! Even though they do actually have a fair taste of salt, it's not overwhelming and there is an underlying subtle flavour- almost a sweetness that gives them a lovely taste. They are thin and crisp and nicely filling despite the small bag. I have already worked my way through quite a few packs and are a great alternative to crisps.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Marks and Spencer's Raison and Maple pancakes review

I recently reviewed M&S's Strawberry and Dorset clotted cream pancakes and I picked these up the same time. I am the type of person who drowns pancakes in syrup so was very aware that I probably wouldn't find the maple flavour with these strong enough for my taste. However I was pleasantly surprised that there was a distinctively strong smell on opening the packet and relatively impressive taste of maple. I wont lie, I would still like it to be stronger but they had a nice enough flavour even if I was slightly underwhelmed by the overall power of the maple. The raisons were very soft and juicy even if not very evenly spread throughout all of the pancakes. I preferred the strawberry and cream variety to these but I did like these more than I thought that I would and think that these would be a hit with any maple syrup fan..... even if like me, you feel you need to add a little on top.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Weight Watchers Custard Creams review

I'm the type of person who opens a packet of biscuits with every intention of eating one, then I look down ten minutes later and wonder why I'm holding an empty wrapper. Custard creams are a classic biscuit loved by most with a cup of tea so I was interested to see hoe weight watchers version at 52 calories a biscuit would measure up. As you can see, they are not the traditional shape of normal custard creams with a sandwich filling so straight away they lost marks from me there. When eating them there was definitely that creamy vanilla flavour that you would associate with a custard cream but there was a slight artificial taste to them that is quite difficult to describe. Overall these are a decent biscuit for those trying to watch their waistline but in future I think I will stick with the traditional biscuit and spend my money on bigger pants.
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Friday 23 October 2015

Soreen (scream)Toffee Apple review

I openly admit that I have only recently discovered soreen and have quickly developed a love of it so I was worryingly excited when I saw this toffee apple flavour released as a seasonal edition. It has the same dense and chewy texture of a normal soreen loaf but a much lighter, less intense flavour. In fact if im honest there isn't a strong toffee-apple flavour to it at all. It is still really enjoyable and a nice addition to the soreen variety that I would happily eat again but if you are looking for that strong toffee apple hit then you might want to look elsewhere. This loaf has a mild apple flavour with that background taste of traditional malty soreen loaf.

Marks and Spencer's strawberry clotted cream pancakes review

My first review are these strawberry and Dorset clotted cream pancakes from Marks and Spencer. I picked them up because I thought they sounded sweet and I thought they would be a nice change from an ordinary pancake and I'm glad I did. Although there isn't really anything distinctively "creamy" about them, the addition of strawberry will certainly be welcomed by anyone with a sweet tooth. They are not however sickly at all and have quite a mild overall flavour. The packet suggests toasting them which I haven't yet gotten around to doing but would certainly like to try. I am not sure if these will be staying around for the Winter season as strawberry and cream is usually associated with the British summer so I would recommend picking them up for a try while they are available.

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Thanks for visiting my new blog. I'm a foodie fanatic and will be posting regular updates of new and limited edition snacks and treats with my honest opinions of them. I believe food is to be enjoyed and I am all for a healthy lifestyle with plenty of little naughty nibbles along the way! Follow my blog with Bloglovin