Saturday 24 September 2016

Metcalfe's Charity Popcorn Sea Salt review

When the opportunity comes up that means I get to donate money to charity by eating popcorn, it's one that I am more than happy to take. Metcalfe's Skinny popcorn allowed me to do this by donating money from every bag bought to CLIC Sargent children's cancer charity. This popcorn is high in fibre, gluten free, has no artificial flavours and is suitable for vegetarians. This variety has been lightly tossed in natural sea salt and contains only 94 calories per bag so this sounded like the perfect snack.

I was impressed by the portion of popcorn that I got from this bag, especially for so few calories. I bit into the popcorn and it wasn't as crunchy as other store bought varieties that I have tried. It was slightly more chewy than I would have liked but not like cardboard so I still happily finished off the bag. The salty flavour was also much milder than the majority of salted popcorns that I have tasted and so if you find salt flavoured products a little to overwhelming then this more subtle flavour will suit you. I personally love the taste of salt and so would have liked it to be a bit stronger but as with most bags of popcorn, the further down the bag I got the stronger the flavour became.

I found this popcorn by Metcalfe's pretty enjoyable ad if it was give to me i wouldn't think twice about demolishing the bag, however i can't say that I will be going out of my way to buy it again. Although the taste was pleasant, I personally feel that there are other brands of popcorn available with a stronger flavour and more of a crunch. The fact that money raised from these products does however sway me slightly though and so i have absolutely no regrets about buying this bag. This is worth trying if you are after a light, savoury snack without too much of an obnoxious flavour that is slightly healthy. It is also worth remembering that by buying this popcorn you are donating money to a good cause, so there is absolutely no guilt involved!

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