Friday 6 May 2016

Hula Hoops Puft Salted review

Everyone knows that Hula Hoops are probably one of the most fun crisps to eat. There is a strange satisfaction from popping one on each finger like a ring and then biting it off. The only problem for me is they do sometimes end up cutting my mouth because they are so hard and difficult to bite through. These Puft Hula Hoops seemed like the perfect solution.

These Hoops are cooked with 100% sunflower oil and so are also a lot healthier than traditional Hula Hoops containing only 72 calories per 15g bag. Admittedly this isn't very big but then these probably are more aimed at children so I suppose they are a reasonable size.

The bag revealed the light and "puffy" texture of the hoops. They had the same texture as a lot of children's crisps so they were very "airy" and crispy and it didn't require a lot of effort (or pain) to bite into. The flavour was exactly that of ordinary Hula Hoops so there was a lovely salty yet slightly buttery taste. I did enjoy these Puft Hula Hoops and they are perfect for a light snack when you have a craving for something savoury but don't want anything too heavy.

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