Thursday 21 April 2016

Propercorn Fiery Worcester Sauce & Sun-Dried Tomato review

As I am now a Propercorn addict I feel the need to try every flavour that I see. I have put off this flavour as I generally don't really like Worcester sauce but purely because I trust the brand so much I decided to give them a try. There are 93 calories per bag and despite my dislike of Worcester sauce, the unusual sound of the flavour did interest me.

I opened the bag and there wasn't much of a strong smell which I was expecting. The popcorn had a slight red tinge from the coating and I was eager to try a piece. If I'm honest, these are not my favourite from the popercorn range. I didn't think that they had much flavour and I couldn't pick out either tomato or Worcester sauce in the taste. The main flavour came from the after taste which was a mild burn down the back of my throat. I also found tat they lacked the usual crunch that you get from popercorn.

These weren't horrible but I can't say that I would choose to have them again. The flavour disappointed me mainly because of the lack of it. I don't know if I just had a dodgy bag because the texture was so much softer than I have experienced from any other flavour and they felt almost stale. I am tempted to try these again because I was surprised at the quality of this bag and am hoping that these had just been stored poorly so that my love for Propercorn isn't tarnished.

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