Sunday 27 March 2016

Peanut Butter Flavour Oreo review

I love peanut butter and I love Oreo's so I don't know why it has taken me so long to try these peanut butter flavoured Oreo's. I opened the packet and admit that they were the usual dark circular biscuits that you get with traditional Oreo's except these had a golden brown filling. The smell of peanut butter was surprisingly strong and I couldn't wait to get stuck in.

I took a bite and I was right about the intensity of the peanut butter flavour. These are definitely aimed at mega fans of peanut butter (which I am) as they are incredibly rich. The flavour is so strong that it is slightly artificial tasting but I wouldn't expect anything less from these type of American biscuits. The chocolatey biscuit is still as flavoursome as ever and with two such strong flavours in one biscuit I couldn't eat very many of these in one sitting.

Overall I was pretty impressed with these biscuits. They pack quite a punch in terms of both chocolate and peanut butter flavours and are really rich but then that isn't necessarily a bad thing when the result is this good. As I say I couldn't finish the whole packet of these like I probably could with other biscuits but I suppose that isn't a bad thing if your trying to manage your portion control.

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