Saturday 26 March 2016

Nestle Golden Nuggets review

Todays review is a bit of childhood nostalgia for me. Cereal is something I rarely ate as a child as my breakfast was normally pancakes or a muffin (nutritious I know!) however on the rare occasion I did decide to have cereal, golden nuggets were my go-to.

They are small balls with a similar crunchy texture to Nesquik. The main difference is that these have a sort of a honey flavour. They are very sweet and light and have a good crunch. After milk has been poured on, they kind of absourb the liquid and do become a little soft and the outer layer slightly soggy.

Despite the fact they do become quite soft I love the sweet honey flavour, possibly because it reminds me of my childhood. These made a lovely snack but I don't think they would satisfy me for very long if I had them for breakfast but for a child (who these are actually aimed at) I can imagine they would do the job nicely.

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