Wednesday 30 March 2016

Special K Super Porridge 5 grains (Raspberry, Pomegrante & Pumpkin Seeds) review

Okay so the title for this post is obnoxiously long for what it actually is..... a porridge pot. As I have previously said these are my usual breakfasts as they are so convenient and generally pretty tasty and so I'm always up for trying a new flavour or brand. I have already reviewed the Super porridge 5 grans from Special K with almond, pecan & sunflower seeds and enjoyed the nutty flavour and chewy texture so I wanted to see how this fruitier version would compare. Like the other variety it just required hot water and I was good to go.

I don't think that I have ever had pomegranate in porridge before but it was quite interesting as the seeds added even more bite to the porridge. The texture is already quite thick due to the multiple grans and pumpkin seeds but I was still able to notice the extra pip. Flavour-wise, this was much sharper than most porridges because of the raspberry although the pomegranate added some sweetness. I was surprised at just how fruity this porridge was, yet it didn't taste artificial like many other flavoured porridges. I couldn't pick out any actual raspberry pieces but it was notably there in the flavour.

My personal preference is never going to favour porridges with added fruit but this version with raspberry and pomegranate wasn't half bad. It was much sharper than I expected due to the raspberry but the pomegranate flavour still manages to shine through. I haven't had porridge with these flavours before so it was nice to try something new. I would recommend this to anyone who likes their porridge with added flavour but don't mind the slightly sour taste of raspberry. It was far from smooth but I liked that I was able to chew through the oats and so overall I think Special K have done a pretty good job with this flavoured porridge pot.

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