Sunday 12 February 2017

Muller Rice New Chocolate & Hazelnut review

On the rare occasion I see a flavour of Muller rice that I have not yet tried, I instantly feel the need to immediately try it. Despite the smooth chocolate variety being my least favourite due to the lack of sweetness, this new chocolate and hazelnut version made me think "Nutella" and so I decided that it was at least worth trying.

I lifted the lid and as I expected there was a thick chocolatey sauce at the bottom which I mixed in with the rice. Admittedly, it didn't look like the most appetising dessert but being a Muller rice addict I know better than to let this put me off. I tasted the rice and wow! This is one of the best tasting Muller rice's I have tried in a while. The chocolate - hazelnut sauce did indeed taste exactly like Nutella leading to an overall rich and indulgent flavour. The hazelnut element certainly made up for the slightly bland and unsweet flavour that the plain chocolate variety possesses and it is hard to believe that this dessert is low fat!

I have already stocked the fridge full of these desserts since I loved it so much! Even if Muller rice wouldn't normally be your dessert of choice I would recommend picking one of these up if you enjoy the smooth and delicious taste of Nutella. I never thought that it would be possible to have a low fat dessert that has the oh so naughty flavour of Nutella even though it is only labelled as chocolate & Hazelnut. I am not sure if this flavour is a permanent fixture to the Muller rice range and so please take my advice and try them while you know that you can.

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