Tuesday 14 February 2017

Kettle Bites Sea Salt & Mixed Peppercorns Wholegrain Waves review

I have enjoyed every product from the kettle bites range that I have tried and so I was interested to see what these new sea salt and mixed peppercorn wholegrain waves would be like. At only 95 calories these baked snacks are pretty good for the waistline as well as being high in fibre and containing 50% less fat than standard crisps and can also vegan friendly.

Like the other varieties of wholegrain waves from this range, these snacks were quite large in size with a crunchy texture. Although there were not a huge amount of waves in the packet, I think that this is due to their size as my hunger was satisfied by the end of the 22g bag. The dominant flavour of these snacks was the peppercorn and there was actually a lot more heat than I expected. I can't say that the sea salt was particularly noticeable but it was more of a subtle background flavour.

These wholegrain waves make a nice addition to the kettle bites range and do have a distinctive peppercorn flavour. They are a crunchy and relatively healthy savoury snack and I like that this is more of an unusual flavour that I think a lot of people will enjoy. For only 95 calories you can't really go wrong giving these a try and if you don't mind the taste of peppercorns then I don't think you will be disappointed.

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